Patti Callahan Henry

Mar 24, 20201 min

Becoming Mrs. Lewis Expanded Paperback Edition Available Now! *Pub 📑 Day!*

If you'd like signed bookplates, please send me a self-addressed stamped envelope to the address below and I will send one ASAP! 

Patti Callahan Henry 
1919 Oxmoor Road. PMB #303
Homewood, AL 35209

So stay tuned here and to my website for updates and changes. Keep reading books and buying them from your independent booksellers. Let's keep supporting one another and sharing stories. Surely that's what will see us through! 💌 

Dear Reader,

It is pub week for the EXPANDED edition of BECOMING MRS LEWIS and instead of being with you out there in the world, I am here with you in the world. We will celebrate this week in very different ways.

You can join me on different VIRTUAL book tours and the second one is TODAY with me!  Its pub day 😘 for the expanded paperback edition—Becoming Mrs. Lewis. 🔖

I will be answering questions ALL day on my Instagram/Facebook Stories page. 

Join in. Send a question and I will answer! We can talk about writing, travel, Joy and Jack, the next book, life, kids — whatever you want!  Ask away. 


You can go here to see the other “events’ this week.

View Newsletter #AloneTogether. An Expert Author a Day in these trying times.

Tags: #becomingmrslewis #patticallahan #patticallahanhenry #instagram #booktourevent #virtualbooktour #newsletter #alonetogether #authorexpert #pubday #historicalfiction #literary #joydavidman #cslewis
