Day Nine Featured Guest— Meagan Henry
Becoming Mrs. Lewis Virtual Book Tour Series Newsletter March 30, 2020—Day Nine #AloneTogether
Dear Reader,
It is pub week for the EXPANDED edition of BECOMING MRS LEWIS and instead of being with you out there in the world, I am here with you in the world. We celebrated this week in very different ways. What a fabulous week it has been! You can go here to see the other Virtual Book Tour “events’ this past week.
Coming up: Tuesday, March 31st March Virtual Book Tour 7:30 pm Eastern Time US and Canada Host: Katie McCormick @JustOneMoreChapterPodcast
“How do we live our lives at home that we once lived out in the world?” Today is DAY NINE, the last installment in the of our author experts. I have gathered a cadre of author pals who are also experts in other fields. I want to introduce you to our special guest, my lovely daughter, Meagan Henry of Moon and Rock. Founded by Meagan and Evan Rock—based on the Big Island of Hawai'i. She will be providing us with some special tips on how to stay healthy, vibrant, and beautiful from the inside/out. I will let her take it from here (see below).

Call Upon Love
These times are reminding us that life is very, very precious.
1. Stream of consciousness writing —
A great symptom of quarantine is rapid thinking. We no longer have the distractions and outlets we’re accustomed to in order to direct our thoughts from place to place or person to person. We’re left to talking to ourselves more than we’d usually like to.
Not only that, but we’re being bombarded from every angle with varying information (usually scary information) and perspectives. We can not only bring ourselves great ease but can also strengthen our immune systems, by doing something with all that mental energy that now has nowhere to escape to.
Enter: a stream of consciousness writing, a huge stress relief! I don’t care if you think you’re a good writer or not. Start speaking to yourself by writing whatever comes to mind. No one else should read it. If they’re lovely thoughts and prayers, stick them on your mirror or table or altar. If they’re hard thoughts, burn them in a candle or bury them in the Earth. Give that energy back and keep transforming it so that it doesn’t get stuck. Julia Cameron has been preaching this for ages.
2. An attitude of gratifood —
Another prominent symptom of quarantine can be boredom hunger, not to be confused with legit physiological hunger. A healthful practice to bring into your relationship with food at this time is to have what our family calls “gratifood”, or just giving gratitude before we eat a meal. And during quarantine, it can help to do this before eating anything at all. This practice is as simple as taking one (or a few) deep breaths and saying aloud something (or many things) we are grateful for that day, and then digging in. Sometimes, it’s not even true hunger we’re feeling, but rather a spiritual hunger for thankfulness for all that we already have.
3. Shifting perspective —
Don’t tell yourself that you’re quarantining, tell yourself that you are retreating. Give yourself the gift of inner freedom to use this time in a purposeful, relaxing, and healing way for your body, mind, and spirit. Do all the hermit crabby things that make you feel really good. Meditation, prayer, singing, cooking, bathing, Netflix watching. You are on retreat. Give yourself permission to feel peace.
4. Call upon love —
Take this opportunity to call up (or snail mail write!) the ones you love and tell them why. Tell them how much they mean to you. Reduce your stress and hold a very necessary frequency of love by giving a lot of love. Don’t hold back. These times are reminding us that life is very, very precious. Call upon love!
5. Radical self-care —
In times of uncertainty, a very grounding way to find inner peace and faith, is to practice radical get really serious about how we touch, talk to, and care for our bodies. I personally find it very grounding to have a morning and nighttime skincare routine where I pamper myself with positive intentions and love. This is an endlessly easy way for me to interact with my body and send it simple nourishment.
And I keep it really clean, and really simple. The most important part of my routine is rubbing our Moon + Rock Alchemy Serum all over my face and neck, breathing in the beautiful scent and thinking about all the good it has done and is doing, for my skin. Whatever your routine looks like, take it up a notch by consciously sending positive intention into your body.
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Tags: #patticallahanhenry #patticallahan #becomingmrslewis #joydavidman #cslewis #virtualbooktour #booktour #moonandrock #meaganhenry #hawaii #health #wellness #skincare #socialdistancing #bookevent #authorreader #newsletter #events #alchemyserum