Adult Librarian Preview on
Thursday, April 6th
from 2- 3 PM EST on Zoom
We'll be hearing from Patti Callahan Henry in a discussion about her new novel, The Secret Book of Flora Lea, with an audience Q&A. Presentations by the Education & Library team will follow, and afterwards, you'll have the chance to win galleys for some of our most anticipated releases!
Fill out the form ABOVE BUTTON to secure your spot. You will be contacted via email with the Zoom link closer to the event.
Libraries are sanctuaries – I’ve always said this and I bet you think it’s true too. So for those of us, who as kids, carried our library cards everywhere we went, for those who hid in the stacks for just another few minutes and who checked out as many books as they allowed, I am more than thrilled to tell you that I I’ll be joining the Simon & Schuster Summer 2023 Adult Librarian Preview on Thursday, April 6th from 2- 3 PM EST on Zoom and I want you to join us! You can ask questions for the live Q and A.
This preview will give you a sneak peek into my newest, The Secret Book of Flora Lea, and some of the seeds of inspiration!
To join us, it’s free and you can visit the link ABOVE.
And as if you need any more incentive — after the event, fifty sweepstakes winners will receive a selection of Summer 2023 galleys, including The Secret Book of Flora Lea!!! @ssedlib